I want to talk about preparation in the next series of posts on this blog. I believe preparation is such a vital key to success. Stay with me and you will surely enjoy the ride!

No one succeeds by accident because success is largely a product of habit. We become what we are. And who and what we are is a product of what we repeatedly do! You do not really decide your destiny. You choose your habits and they in turn decide your destiny.

Success Is No Accident

Success is not an accident because it is something you can choose. Success is no function of luck. You won’t get it by wishing. You get it by working things out. It’s not luck, it is work. Nobody is lucky, they are ‘worky’! If wishes were horses, every beggar would ride. But you can make success happen for yourself. To say it in another way – you can program yourself for success.

You see, success is no sudden arrival. Neither is failure a sudden disaster. They are both products of habit. We become what we repeatedly do! That was stated by Aristotle, the Greek philosopher years ago. Dr. Frederick K. C. Price once said years ago, “We have not succeeded by accident!”

Greatness is calculable. It is an incident not an accident. You can program yourself out of failure, obscurity and mediocrity into success and prominence. It’s a time-tested fact, a well-proven truth, and a well-trodden path.

As a child of God, success is yours. You are destined to win. But you must work it out. You have to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” (Philippians 2:12) The road to success is not laid on a foundation of good intentions. That a man means to succeed does not guarantee his eventual success. But you will! Sit down now and prepare to. Do have a blessed weekend. You will succeed! (TO BE CONTINUED.)

About Yomi Olufiade

My passion, dear friend, is to help you find, follow and fulfill God’s purpose for your life. Not only that, I also want to help you achieve tremendous success with your God-ideas and assignment through this medium via the life-changing truths of the Word of God. I’m sure you won’t remain the same again after interacting with me.

Posted on October 20, 2012, in Attitude, Bible, Business, Choice, Destiny, Discipline, Dreams, Excellence, Failure, Faith, Goals, Ideas, Inspiration, Leadership, Life, Mentoring, Mind, Ministry, Personal Development, Preparation, Purpose, Quotes, Success, Talent, Vision, Workplace Issues and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. i’ve been blessed by this…even though i knew this before now, i have been greatly reminded again..thank you

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