Daily Archives: January 17, 2012


I continue from where I left off. You can read the first post in this series here.

2. LEADERSHIP IS A PRIVILEGE. Oh, I wish we never forget this. “No man takes this honor to himself except he that was called as Aaron was.” (Hebrews 5:4) How grateful I’ll forever be that God counted me worthy of this calling (2 Thessalonians 1:11). He didn’t listen to my first message before He called me to preach! So, it was nothing I did that impressed Him into choosing me to lead.

This is what I remember when the burdens and responsibilities of leadership overwhelms me (and boy! would they?) I remember that I don’t just HAVE to bear this (out of a sense of duty or obligation); I actually GET to do this (it’s a privilege). Come on, God had other choices, but He chose to use me. What a privilege! So, I really can’t brag about this, all my boast would be in Him (see 1 Corinthians 1:25-31).

Getting to lead in God’s house is not my right; it’s a privilege – a God-given privilege! If I ever lose sight of this, He CAN replace me. And that, God forbid! (To Be Continued)


I am going to be dwelling on this for the next few posts on this blog, so I’ll crave your indulgence to please stay with me all through.

I am passionate about leadership. Well, that’s begging the question. After twenty-three years as a committed Christian with 22 of that in various capacities of leadership, I guess that’s only natural. I have taught children’s church, sang in the choir, even led the choir for some years; acted in the drama group; served in youth ministry and having been in active full-time teaching and pastoral ministry for the past twelve years, I think I am coming of age. (That’s not to prove anything; I’m just letting you know where I am coming from.)

I have a soft spot for leaders. I understand the burden we bear and the things we face and go through. I know how lonely it could get at times. And I know the kind of thoughts that run through our minds oftentimes. God help us leaders. As a student of leadership and also having had the privilege to teach, coach and mentor other leaders, these are things I have picked up from the crucible of hands-on experience that I’ll like to commit to your thoughts. Whether you’re a veteran and only need to be reminded of these things or you’re just out of the starting blocks, I trust that this will minister to your heart. I feel you fellow soldier of the cross. You will not miss your reward!

1. LEADERSHIP IS ABOUT KNOWING GOD. It’s about having a firsthand revelation of God – knowing God personally and for myself. It cannot be “My pastor said…” or “Someone said…” or “They told me to tell you…” No! I just have to know God for myself! This is the heart cry of every true leader: “That I may know Him…” (Philippians 3:10)

I cannot represent or present a God I do not know! That’s why Moses asked God to reveal Himself to him. “When they ask me who sent me, what do I tell them about You?” (And boy, how the situations of life can ask you that!) [I’m paraphrasing Exodus 3:13-14]

This must be the reason Gideon held out a fleece until he was sure he knew without a shadow of a doubt who this Yahweh was (see Judges 6:12-26).

Peter knew that this is what it was all about – giving ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word (Acts 6:4). Hearing God; knowing His heart and talking with Him before speaking for Him. That is where it begins. He had to just keep the main thing the main thing!

My leadership flows out of my walk with God – my WALK not my WORKS. If I stop WALKING WITH Him, I’ll stop WORKING WITH Him and eventually stop WORKING FOR Him (see Mark 3:13-15). Leadership is simply about knowing God. Selah! (To Be Continued)